Been in Queenstown since the 24th and we love it. The fly in was a bit weird, since the pilot didn't dare to land on the first try because of the fog. Scary, since I know there's a lot of mountains around Queenstown... But we got a nice scenic route instead, so it was all OK.
First day we walked from our hotel in the sun and it took about 25 minutes to get to the central. Nice walk that we do every day now. :)
Sat in the sun drinking a very nice and cold white wine. Good start of the vacation here.
The 25th was spent on the disc/frisbee golf course in The Gardens. Lovely place for a course I must say. Henke wan big time (of course), but I think I did pretty well anyway, did some nice savings from the bushes I ended up in – haha!
26th was a terrifying day... We took off to Nevis bungy 45 minutes off Queenstown. Not that I was trying to kill myself, it was Henke's try... Got there and he was pretty calm on the outside (while I was shaking, I'm dead scared of heights, not nice going up a mountain on a pebbled road...). He was the one jumping first and I, at a safe place, was videotaping it with my camera. He shouted something, that I couldn't hear, since there were some Japanese guys next to me commenting it all (sounds funny on the tape). He was very happy when he got back about the jump (or for surviving, I don't know...). It was only 134 metres... He was also happy that one of the crew members had told him that he can do a jump in Hong Kong as well... :P
Not done after that, no... Then it was time for a bungy swing. It looked fun actually, being let off in a swing down the canyon. All I heard from Henke was ”mother... fucker!!” haha
As we got back to Queenstown it started to rain some, so we went indoors to a wonderful minigolf course that we visited last time we were here. Guess who's won?... Guess the pic reveal it all ;)
Friday it looks as if we'll try to go on one of those fastgoing boats. I look forward to that! Besides that we'll see what we'll do. Saturday we're going back to Stefan & Andrew again and stay there until we're off to Hong Kong.
Got some nice news from Qantas yesterday. We were supposed to go on a flight that had to go via Christchurch, but luckily they've changed our tickets, so we're going direct to Auckland. Yay!
OK then, o a o :)
Oups, got to go on the Kuwarau river before posting this blog. We loved it! The speed and the 360 degrees turns are great! For safety you have to place your feet down in the bottom and back against the seat. I'm too short... So I just took turns, either feet down or back against :) I survived anyway. Henke smashed his head in the ”roof” twice, but that's ok, nothing in it anyway ;) Just as we got into this mall I found a newspaper showing that one of the boats accidently turned over yesterday and killed 4... Oups.
Oh well, a bit drunk on excellent New Zealand white wine at the moment, better stop writing before I get silly...
Finns det inget mer läskigt ni kan hitta på?Henke du behöver inte träna mer på dessa hopp, du kan det nu! Igår brann Tekn. nämndhuset, men det visade sig vara övning!!!
SvaraRaderaJag trodde det var vår, men pyttsan inatt snöade det igen. Take it easy, ta vara på dagen.
Tills vi ses igen Pussar och kramar
Upload the bungy vids!
F**k me vad högt! Ann, du gjorde rätt i att inte spänna fast gummiband vid fötterna! Huu. Låter som ni har det bra sötpajer! Snart dags för oss att ge oss av :)
Ohh I forgot - say hi and give lots of hugs to Stefan and Andrew (or Stendrew) from me!
SvaraRaderaHörni galenpannor!
SvaraRaderaHar precis förlikat mig med tanken att jag ska bli instoppad i en boll och nerputtad ifrån en brant backe!
Släpa inte hem några fler galna ideér från NZ!!
Bävar inför 40-års presenten!!!
Ja jösses. Mår illa bara jag kollar på bilden där Henke hoppar... urk. Galning.
SvaraRaderaSaknar er fortf lika mycket... men nu ere inte SÅÅÅ lång tid kvar... I will survive. ;)