måndag 2 februari 2009

Curse the snow

I can't believe this... The amount of snow falling over London as I write this. And they say that they haven't had this much snow in 18 years - EIGHTEEN! WHY NOW??? *sighs*

Well I'm almost a 100 percent sure that the flight from Stockholm to London will be cancelled tomorrow, and that will make us miss the flight to Los Angeles (not that I'm sure that it will depart...). Since British Airways cancelled their 9 o'clock flight pretty early I can't see why we'd go on at 7.50-flight with SAS... :(

Oh how much fun we'll have at Arlanda Airport! Not... Ooooh curse this weather!! :P


4 kommentarer:

  1. Hey there AnnHope you are getting out of the UK!!!!!!Once you are out of there it is sun sun sun and fun fun fun We had dinner outside at 7 pm to night and it was hot !!!!Andrew wants me to say that he has got a snicke snacke now - whatvever that means - Only a week to go now (well kind of - I like to fool myself) SEE YOU SOONHUGS

  2. Seems like the plane took off, 30 minutes late, but still...

  3. Anonym är Lisa.

    Hoppas resten går bra idag också, så ni kommer iväg till LA. Puss puss.

  4. Hallå där mina darlings
    Tyvärr kom tröttmössan ej med till Arlanda
    Följer med spänning er resa. Pussar och kramar, var rädd om Er och lev livet. Det skulle jag!
