torsdag 15 januari 2009

Finally booked Los Angeles as well

This night I've been a good girl and booked the last hotel on our trip. Well almost last anyway, still one B&B left to book on Waiheke Island, but that's no rush (I hope!).

We decided to go for a hotel near Santa Monica Blvd, and near to Universal Studios. It's called Ramada, and I'm sure we'll survive five days there. I'm absolute terrified about going to L A and The States... It's so big!! Anyway, you can check out the hotel here: Ramada Hotel. Not at all close to the beach, but since it's February it's probably warmer in the pool anyway... We're obviously have to rent a car, so we can always get to the beach anyway. Tessan - this is not too bad is it?

Alida has booked flight tickets, so we'll all meet in Auckland on February 16th. It'll be so much fun! On the 17th we're going over to Waiheke Island, to do a wineyard tour there (check out the tour here) and after that meet up with Alida's brother Malcolm who will take us out fishing on his boat. Yay!

Well, all for now I guess. Henke had his first vaccination shot, but I couldn't since I still have a flu virus in my body. I'll do it on Tuesday (hopefully I'm well by then). Well oAo

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hej Hej
    What a coincidence - we stayed at the hotel in Hong Kong as well - So we will tell you all the tips once you are here :o) Really easy to get to from the airport and also to the airport by the way.
    Hope you are all well up there.
    And dont be afraid of LA - its not that bad - honest!!!!

  2. Well thanks for the input Anonymous! Guess I'm talking to Stefan - right? lol And did you stay at the same hotel? That's just silly! lmao Of all the hotels?... *hahaha*

  3. Snälla, packa med mig! Jag lovar att inte snarka och kan packa åt er varje gång det är dags att resa vidare... ;) /Lisafisa
